Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Nursery & Pre-school

Ages 3 months - 4 years

So many times the preschool department is labeled as a babysitting service, but here at Summit Church we take hold of what Jesus states in Mark 10:13, “Let the little children come to me, and don’t stop them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”  Our goal is to come alongside you as parents to teach and train up your children into mighty men and women of God, so we will see this next generation rise up and take their rightful place in the Kingdom! Our nursery starts at age 3 - 24 months where they will be cared for, but most importantly the love of the Father will be spoken and prayed over them.  Our preschool area is for 3 - 4 years.  There they will begin to understand a tangible relationship with God and step into the calling He has placed upon their life.

Summit Kids

Grades K-5

In Isaiah 8:18 it says, “Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me.  We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.” This verse epitomizes our goal at Summit Church:  that we raise our children up to display all of God’s glory, power and love to the world.  In our children’s ministry, we teach the truth about God’s Word.  We are not solely interested in teaching the milk of the Word, but we desire that children of all ages would feast on the meat of His Word in order to be properly equipped to operate in the Kingdom of God.  We provide Sunday morning and Wednesday night services for children grades K through 5.  We would love for you to give us the honor of teaching your children all about who God really is and how He desires to use them even now for His glory!

When We Meet

Sunday Mornings at 10:30am

Wednesday Evenings at 6pm

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